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Gate 2014 Q37 Metal content (in metric tonnes) of an ore having specific gravity and assay values of 2.86 and 1.49 % respectively in a mining block 40 m long, 30 m wide and with an average thickness of 2.13 m is ________


Given :- Specific Gravity = 2.86       Assay Value = 1.49%       
Length = 40m        Width = 30m
Thickness = 2.13m        Volume Metal Content = ?

1) Volume = 40 X 30 X 2.13 = 2556m3

2) Mass = Volume  X  Specific Gravity
              = 2556 X 2.86
              = 7310.16 Tonne (Weight of one body)

3) Metal Content for 100% = 7310.16 Tonne
                                     1%  = 73.10 Tonne

    Metal Content of ore = Assay Value X Mass of ore
                                      = 1.49 X 73.10 
                                      = 108.92 Tonne

          Assay Value 1.49%  = 1.49 / 100 = 0.149
                                          = 0.0149 X 7310.16
                                          = 108.92 Tonne

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