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Evolution of Magma


It is widely accepted that there is only one parental magma of basaltic composition and all the different varieties of igneous rocks were supposed to have originated from this magma of uniform composition. The origin of diverse igneous rocks with regards to mineralogical composition and texture can be attributed to two causes:

I.   Differentiation
II. Assimilation

I. Differentiation. It may be defined as “the process whereby, a magma originally homogeneous splits up into contrasted parts, which may form separate bodies of rocks or may remain within the boundaries of single unitary mass”. The process of differentiation, is usually favoured by two factors:

(a) Rate of cooling.
(b) Settling of early crystallized heavy minerals.

Stages of differentiation. According to Tyrrell there are two stages, in the first stage, there is preparation of units such as crystals, liquid sub magma etc. In the second stage the prepared units are separated and accumulate separately to form distinct masses.


·       Differentiation in an igneous magma involves processes like:
1. Fractional crystallisation.
2. Gravity separation.
3. Filter pressing.
4. Liquid immiscibility.
5. Gaseous transfer.

1. Fractional crystallisation. With the cooling of the magma, crystallisation begins and earliest minerals start crystallising. Differentiation may be brought about by at least two distinct processes:

(a)   The localisation of crystallisation aided by diffusion and convection.

(b) The localised accumulation of crystals in several different ways, with the       concomitant segregation of the liquid magmatic residuum.

Crystallisation may be localised at a cooling margin, where the temperature is lower than the central parts of the magma. Thus, two phases a solid and a liquid are formed.

 The concentration of the molecules of the growing crystals at the site of crystallisation is supposed to be due to

(a) free ionic diffusion of that substance from all parts of the magma,

(b) by convection current with a concomitant movement of other substances in the opposite direction. But these suppositions were later on found untenable.

During crystallisation, there is a tendency for equilibrium to be maintained between the solid and liquid phases. To maintain equilibrium, early formed crystals react with the liquid and changes in composition take place. In case of plagioclase, for instance, the first formed crystals are those richest in lime; as reaction proceeds with falling temperature, the crystals become progressively sodic. Thus, a continuous series of homogeneous solid solution is produced, which constitute the continuous-reaction series.


            Certain ferromagnesian minerals on the other hand react with the melt to give rise to a new mineral with a new crystal structure and a definite composition. Olivine, for example, may be transferred to pyroxene, and pyroxene to amphibole. Such abrupt changes constitute the discontinuous reaction series.


            Certain minerals in igneous rocks are associated because they crystallize over the same range of temperature. Early high-temperature minerals of both series generally crystallize together. As a result, while some minerals are characteristically associated with some specific minerals, others are incompatible with them.

‘Bowen’s Reaction Principle illustrates how a primary basaltic magma may solidify as a gabbro or it may give rise to rocks varying from Dunite through gabbro, diorite, tonalite, granodiorite to granite depending upon the degree of fractionation and the extent to which early formed minerals are removed from further reaction with the melt.


        Thus, two magmas of identical initial composition but cooling at different rate produces different rock types. In the absence of volatiles, the normal minerals of the discontinuous reaction series cannot form.

        The product of early crystallisation is concentrated at one end of a differentiation series and the products of later crystallisation, at the other end.

2. Gravitational settling. It is the tendency of the heavy minerals to sink to the bottom and those having lower specific gravity than the melt rises up and float at the top of the magma chamber. The perfection of this process depends on the size, shape and specific gravity of individual crystals and also on the viscosity -of the magma. Olivine, seems to be the most important mineral affected by this process and its gravitational settling forms stratification in igneous rocks.

3. Filter pressing. As crystallisation continues a loose mesh or frame-work of crystals with residual liquid in the interstices will ultimately be formed. If, at this stage, deformation of the mass occurs, either by the lateral earth pressure or downward pressure of the lifted strata, the interstitial liquid will be squeezed out. The liquid will tend to move towards the region of least pressure. Thus, this process of separation of solid crystals from the fluid magma is known as filter-pressing and is found to be very helpful in bringing about effective and appreciable differentiation in magma.

4. Liquid immiscibility. A mix of two different components may be homogeneous at a particular temperature, but with falling of temperature both of them become immiscible fractions and separate from each other by the difference in specific gravity. In a similar manner, components of an igneous magma may be perfectly miscible at higher temperature but with gradual cooling the magma mass may separate out into distinctly different and mutually immiscible components.

5. Gaseous transfer. Being excellent solvents, volatile constituents continually go on collecting the otherwise sparsely disseminated metallic and non-metallic constituents as they rise upwards through the magma chamber. Again, the escaping gas bubbles may attach themselves to growing crystals and float them upwards. The -volatile constituents are capable of making selective transfer of material from lower to higher levels. In this way, pronounced heterogeneity may develop in magma.


    Assimilation is an important factor in bringing about diversity in igneous rocks. This is the process whereby rock masses are in corporate by magmas, there is also commingling of two liquid magmas. Since these processes involve the re-mixing of rocks, they represent the reverse of the differentiation processes and heterogeneity results when the mixing is incomplete and non-uniform.

   The laws of assimilation are governed by the same general laws of fractional crystallisation. Reaction between magma and wall-rock is a normal accompaniment to igneous intrusion. In the course of this reaction the magma becomes contaminated by incorporating materials originally present in the wall-rock. This broad process of modification is described as assimilation.


The incorporation of foreign rock matter by a magma occurs. in three ways as
(a) Mechanical incorporation without chemical reaction.
(b) Reactions involving partial solution of the incorporated matter and the precipitation              involving the replacement of one solid phase by another.
(c) Total dissolution involving total disappearance of the solid phase.

In general, it is a complex process of reciprocal reaction between magma and invaded rock. During the process of reaction, due to ionic exchange between liquid and crystals, minerals are changed into those crystalline phases with which the liquid was already saturated. The end product is a contaminated igneous rock which was at no time entirely liquid and which is made up of materials contributed partly by the original rock and partly by the wall-rock. The rocks formed in this way is naturally, of hybrid origin, which are particularly common along the borders between intrusive and invaded rocks.

Factors affecting assimilation:

1. Temperature of the magma at the time of intrusion.
2. Presence or absence of notable degree of superheat, i.e., the stage at which the inclusions are tapped in.
3. Composition of the inclusions.
4. Concentration of volatiles in the magma.
5. Conditions which facilitate or retard the escape of volatiles into the surrounding-rocks.

Since the melt reacts with the minerals which are formed earlier at a higher temperature, and gives rise to the minerals which at the moment are in equilibrium; as in Bowen’s Reaction Series. These reactions are exothermic, that is, they proceed with the production of heat and not the absorption of it. Only those inclusions made up of minerals belonging to the lower series can be directly dissolved; the heat required for dissolving the inclusions is supplied by the crystallisation of a thermally equivalent quantity of those phases with which the magma at that moment is saturated.

According to the above observations, a general rule has been enunciated (by Zirkel) “in acid magma acid inclusions are not assimilated but basic ones are; likewise, in basic magma basic inclusions are not digested but acid ones are’’.

There are some petrochemical considerations underlie the reaction between magma and wall rock:

(a) Suppose, a magma of granitic composition has started reacting with the wall-rock of gabbroic composition; in such a case labradorite and augite of gabbro are earlier members than oligoclase and hornblende of granitic magma. A complex reaction takes place whereby the minerals from the walls of gabbro are changed into hornblende and oligoclase, minerals which are in equilibrium with the melt at that particular temperature This is the assimilation of basic igneous rocks by acid magma.

(b) Assimilation of acid inclusions by basic-magma. Basaltic magma is capable of melting acid igneous rocks, as its temperature is much above the melting point of acid igneous rocks. In such cases the members of the late-crystallization go into solution by the magma. To supply the necessary heat for fusion and reaction, an equivalent amount of the members of early crystallization get precipitated from the liquid.

(c) Assimilation of sedimentary-rocks by basic magma. Since sedimentary rocks are mostly composed of quartz, alkali-feldspar, clay minerals and calcite which are low-temperature minerals, they are completely incorporated by basic magmas.


Assimilation of calcareous inclusions disilicate the magma by crystallizing out various lime silicates as melilite, garnet etc. giving rise to a silica poor alkaline-residue and cause felspathoids to appear.

Incorporation of argillaceous matter may give rise to cordierite, sillimanite, spinel, garnet, anorthite etc.

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